Jürg Lehni
Technology as Vocabulary / Discursive Machines
Jürg Lehni's talk is on his growing family of mark-making machines, the custom-made software that runs them, and the quest of discovering the character of each device and giving it an identity and a voice. Whether it is a drawing machine that uses spray-paint (Hektor) or chalk (Viktor, Otto) on large walls, or a piece of software that extends and opens up Adobe Illustrator in order to allow users to build their own tools (Scriptographer), the underlying concern is always the same: To treat technology as a language and an open structure rather than a means for large corporations to lock down consumers in a cozy, standardised environment. Any component to a given work, whether purely digital or physical, has an inherent character and vocabulary that holds hidden potential. Once aware of this potential, the components become ingredients, and the process of creating works starts resembling cooking.
Jürg Lehni works collaboratively across disciplines, dealing with the nuances of technology, tools, and the human condition. His works often take the form of platforms and scenarios for production, such as the drawing machines Hektor, Rita, and Viktor, as well as software-based structures and frameworks, including Paperjs.org, Scriptographer.org and Vectorama.org. Lehni has shown work internationally in group and solo shows at the MoMA New York, SFMOMA in San Francisco, Walker Art Center, Centre Pompidou, Institute of Contemporary Arts London, Victoria and Albert Museum, Design Museum London, Kunsthalle St. Gallen, etc.