The Digitalday ZHdK takes place at the Toni-Areal, Zurich University of the Arts.
The Toni-Areal is easily reachable by public transport (direct tram #4 from the main station Zurich) or by foot (about 30 minutes)
Zurich University of the Arts
Pfingstweidstrasse 96
8005 Zurich
Contact Digitalday ZHdK:
+41 43 446 32 60
Conference Contact:
+41 43 446 32 63
Head of project Digitalday ZHdK:
Lesley Spiegel, Head of Institute for Design Research
Head of conference Expanding Immersive Design:
Maike Thies, research fellow Game Design
Project team Expanding Immersive Design:
Stephanie Grubenmann, research fellow Cast / Audiovisual Media and Jonas Christen, research fellow Knowledge Visualization
Team Digitalday ZHdK:
Anna-Lisa Martin, research fellow Game Design; Mirjam Steiner, research fellow IDE; Jasmina Courti, assistant IDE
Scenography Exhibition :
Maike Thies, research fellow Game Design und Stephan Wespi, assistant Bachelor of Arts in Design
Branding and Signalisation:
Patrik Ferrarelli
Communication & Media:
Frederic Poppenhäger, Communications representative Department Design
The Digitalday ZHdK is part of the Digitaltag Schweiz, organised by digitalswitzerland.
With around 2,800 students and 650 teaching staff, Zurich University of the Arts is one of the major universities of the arts in Europe. The study and research programme covers the areas of design, film, fine arts, music, dance, theatre, transdisciplinary studies, and the teaching of arts and design. The university also has many venues for exhibitions and performances, where the results of the education provided can be shown in public.