Masterclass 9: Christian Iseli
Immersive Arts Space: Experimenting with New Technology
In the context of digital change and media convergence, the Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK is planning a cross-departmental experimental space with new technology. In 2018 several pilot projects are being carried out and evaluated. In 2019, the Immersive Arts Spaceis to become a new entity within the university. In this Masterclass, the pilot projects of the I.A [space] will be presented and discussed. The focus is on the question of how an art university should adequately react to the accelerated technological change. In the pilot project «Happy Robots», students from the ZHdK departments of Film, Contemporary Dance, Game Design, Interaction Design, Sound Design, Music Composition as well as students from the Animation department at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts worked together. They created a common story world and realized projects based on motion capture technology.
The pilot project TwinLab is a cooperation with the Hong Kong based theatre group Zuni Icosahedron. The performance «The Hidden Formula» will be shown simultaneously in both cities on October 25th, 2018 as part of Digitalday ZHdK. The movements of the dancers are tracked by motion capture technology and transformed into live visuals. The motion data is sent across the globe, where it is used to establish a dialogue of the performers. The research project «Virtual Productionis» is currently investigating the potential of 3D laser scanning and photogrammetry in film production and other digital media.
Prof. Christian Iseli (Head of the Immersvie Arts Space) as well as staff, lecturers, researchers and students from the different pilot projects.
Cinema Toni (Level 3)