Masterclass 4: Offshore Studio
Expanding Bodies
The human body is contested territory. Movements, gestures and facial play; jewellery, clothing and hairstyles – all of them are codes of personal expression that help negotiating identity and status. What a body is allowed to do, who is in control of it and where its boundaries are drawn are essential questions, that were the starting point for heated discussions, protests and social turmoil throughout history. Thereby versions of the human body have changed quite significantly over time–and this is more true than ever during the digital age: Today’s bodies are objects of constant measuring, analyses, interconnections, invasions and enhancements in increasingly immersive technological environments.
The Masterclass Expanding Bodieslead by Offshore Studio invites participants to look at their own bodies as a playground in order to address questions of human physicality and digitalisation. We will change, distort and question our bodies by using an augmented-reality app that creates new variations, shapes and gestures of these bodies in the digital space. Questions of human identity, performance and perception are playfully discussed. The goal of the workshop is to gain a basic understanding of an augmented-reality app as well as a reflection on current developments surrounding the human body in an increasingly digital landscape.
Isabel Seiffert
Christoph Miler