Masterclass 10: Priscille Jotzu
The Masterclass «Smell-O-topia» is inviting participants to use their sense of smell to investigate a spectrum of scent manifestations, and use them to shape a future vision of our world. Olfaction has the peculiar ability to make us travel through time, back in the past and childhood memories. But scents can as well project us toward the future and help us foresee what is to come. Starting from this assumption, the participants will engage with their unique smell experience as a basis for storytelling. After vision and audition, could the sense of smell be the last human sense to undergo a digitalisation? How do we relate to machines with our nose? Can scents be used in a creative dialogue with machines? Thanks to an interdisciplinary approach mixing design fiction, scenario writing technique and scents, the masterclass aim to uncover interactive and embodied experiences and see how theses interrelations can inform a rich and manifold vision of the future for the human being, its environment and its fellow machines. «Smell-O-topia» proposes a further experimentation related to the project «Smell Forward»; a dive in a near future of the Earth populated by humans and AI robots, through the use of the sense of smell. This work takes the form of 6 speculative scenarios that explore a time lap of 50 years, from 2029 to 2079, where 6 specific times are described thanks to words and smells as tangible artefacts. By offering to smell, here and now, the «not-yet-there», Smell Forward intends to give a sense of «hyppereality» to our present experience of the future.
Priscille Jotzu